Food is an important part of the Israeli way of life; it is the focus of family gatherings, social events and public holidays. Even a quick visit from an unexpected friend sees the plates of food emerge from the kitchen. Jewish families from Europe to North Africa each bring their own unique flavours and prized recipes that have been passed down through generations.

A walk through the food markets in Israel will reveal a most wonderful selection of ingredients, fresh fruits and vegetables, sacks of nuts and seeds, trays piled high with secret blends of herbs and spices, freshly baked breads and savouries whose aromas tease and tempt the hungry shopper and more cheeses than you can name. Not to mention a vast array of trays filled with Baklava, halva, Turkish delight and k’nafe all on display, delighting the taste buds and creating a visual symphony of colour and texture.

Shlomo and Idan spent their childhood scampering around in these markets and it is from here that they developed their love of food.